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100% Grass Fed Beef Picanha Point Steak

If the rib-eye is the king of steaks, this is the queen!


The Picanha (pronounced 'pee-kahn-yah') is incredibly popular in Brazil and is one of the tastiest cuts you'll find. It's taken from the top of the rump and sliced across the grain for increased tenderness. This particular part is known as the point, when the primal piece of meat becomes too small to slice a good sized steak its then left as a larger piece of meat in a triangle shape, its bigger than a normal steak and goes incredibly well on a BBQ!


Ps. Sorry about the quality of the photo, I'll get a better one one day when they don't all sell out straight away!

100% Grass Fed Beef Picanha Point Steak

PriceFrom £43.40
Sold out.. for now
    • SOLD FROZEN - Our production model is seasonal, so to provide summer quality year round we freeze all of our meat as soon as we get it back from the processor. 
    • The weight you choose is the minimum you will receive
    • 100% grass-fed from chemical-free, diverse pastures that are holistically managed
    • Dry aged 
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